If you are looking for historical information on the City of McCleary or nearby communities, the McCleary Historical Society is the place to start your search.

You can reach us by calling

(360) 964 0561


Our Mailing Address is:

McCleary Museum and Event Center
PO BOX 554
McCleary, WA 98557

Our Email address is: mccleary.museum@gmail.com

Contact us:

Board of Directors

Sue Palm – President

  – Vice President

Joy Iversen- Secretary

Andy Palm – Treasurer

Stephanie Agurkis- Vice Treasurer

Brycen Huff- At large

Randy Beerbower – At large

Ruth Kivi – At large

Rachael Hahn- At Large

Nancy Cuyle – Advisor
Board meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM

Meetings held at the Museum

(unless otherwise posted on Facebook)

Anyone interested is welcome to attend!

EVENT CENTER MANAGER: (360) 964 0561